FULL MOON IN VIRGO, the last lit moon of the astrological year - TEA IN CEREMONY


We have been tending to our gardens all winter long. Our intention and action has created a soil of holistic wellbeing that is rich and nourished. The air, still cool, is clearer. Although it is not fully realised, we feel the change. This lightness brings possibilities, dreams and repining fruit.

Sometimes our cycles (particularly in the darker months) feel overly measured. Sunrise to sunrise, weekday to end, Moons New to Full, tuck into seasons causing us to feel hemmed. When we look to the sky we remind ourselves that the moments within these rhythms hold infinite possibilities.

Just as the stars and planets move in infinite combinations so does our intention, action and ability to consciously awaken to each moment.

This weekend we have a Full Moon in Virgo, the last before eclipse season begins, and the astrological year renews at the Spring Equinox. This divisive lunation offers us the chance to gently clear away weeds that may be lingering, stopping us from living to our most wonderful potential.

We are making a beautiful tea to sip softly under the moon. As we drink the tea we breathe deeply into our hearts. We will connect with our divine, we listen, and we let go. Virgo is ruled by communicative Mercury. Under our pillows we will place a pencil and paper and invite dreams of guidance. In the morning we wake and note down images, names, words, phrases or chapters.



1 Tablespoon rose
1 Teaspoon camomille
1 Teaspoon lavender

In ceremony, drop the dried flowers into a post and fill with recently boiled water. 
Let the flowers steep and rebloom. 
Breathe in the potential. 
Breathe out the fear.
Sip softly. (Add a little orange peel or honey if you feel it).

Reflect on where this moon will light your chart, is there a tender flesh there?

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