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AYURVEDA for HOLISTIC WELLBEING In Ayurveda the doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, made up of the elements earth, water, fire, air, and ether, form unique combinations in that refer not only to temperaments and body types, but to all aspects of life - time, cycles, nature, seasons and more.
Ayurveda isn't just about your body. It is a holistic approach to living that can help us incorporate elements of living consciously and compassionately in our lives without changing everything about how we are living.
Combining elements of EARTH and WATER and bound to LATE WINTER/SPRING. Balanced KAPHA is calm, stable and have ever-expanding hearts. Out of balance, we are lathargic, lack of motivation, feel down, harbour grudges, are unable to say no, and are uncomfortable in our choices or in our skin. Physically we can hold excess weight particularly in the lower abdomen, have sinus congestion, glutinous lungs or bowels.
To balance KAPHA, we blended warm and stimulating eucalyptus, clove bud, black pepper, coriander, bergamot, rose geranium, and infused it with Red Jasper.
KAPHA are the clay that holds the world and the sages that advise it. Let’s bring our sparkle back.
Marma points for KAPHA are base of the thumb, lower abdomen. Use the invigorating blend with confident massage or alternatively on pulse points.
Made up of AIR and ETHER, VATA moves and manifests in our minds and bodies much like the season of AUTUMN. Where we find beauty, transformation, creativity, and grace in equal measure, too much VATA is a leaf caught in the wind, cold, and overwhelmed. We may feel anxious, negative, with interrupted sleep, gassy, our joints crackly, our skin over dry and crinkly.
To balance VATA we need warmth, sweetness, and nourishment. We have created an opulent grounding blend of sweet orange, basil, fennel, clove, lavender and frankincense, infused with yellow calcite.
Let’s bring our VATA back into balance to be the energised creative.
MARMA points for VATA are found the base of your thumb and the centre sole of foot. Activate mid-firm slow circles. Alternatively use the inspiring blend on pulse points.
Made up of elements of FIRE and WATER and associated with SUMMER. In balance PITTA is organised, courageous, driven and funny. We love achieving our goals and inspiring others to do the same. Out of balance, we can be short-tempered, fearful, suffer from indigestion, heartburn, inflammation, HEAT, itchy skin, jealousy and frustration.
A unique blend to sweeten and cool PITTA. Full of lemon, orange, frankincense, cardamom, vetiver, ylang ylang, and infused with Celestine for extra magnificence.
PITTAs are known not just for being great lovers (FIRE and WATER make steam) but also for forward-thinking and dynamic conversations. Let’s bring back our intoxicating selves.
Massage the blend in the palm-centre MARMA point for pleasure only to be dreamt of. Alternatively use the delightful blend on pulse points.